This picture is Nelson Lake. Where I used to live last year. >_<. So beautiful, wanna come there again. ^_^

BTW, I am not a Photoshop expert. @_@. But what the hell, I don't care. >_<. So I made this picture by alter the channel, and then changing each Hue, Staturation, Brightness, Contrast in each channel. Then subtract one channel, then changing the Hue, Staturation, Brightness, Contrast again. So this is what I got.

There's really not true intention in this. I made this because of the third picture you will see below. When I create the third picture below, I suddendly feeling like playing with photoshop. >_<. :P
This is the main purpose of this entry (HAHAHA ---> Save the best for last ^_^):

When I am reading the book "The anatomy of Design" (by Steven Heller <--- the one I gonna write my report on ^O^), I come across a picture of the text like coming out of the city, stream............. That's so cool. I wanna have one. so I made this.
Actually I took me more time than I had imagined it would. But it turns quite satisfy me ^_^.
The idea is that, text and picture can "marriage together" like any other element even though the image you haven't really alter. The text like tree coming out of the forest or water come out of lake.
The reason I choose this font because I bringing the feeling of Winter, of Snow, of Coldness, when the picture have taken.
PS: Totally recommend that every design student shoud read the books by Steven Heller. He's so good. >_<
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